How to cut down a small tree
Trees are important for the environment. They release oxygen into the environment and removes harmful gases. They also keep the surrounding areas cool and breezy. However, there are some times when trees can be problematic. Small tree removal can be necessary due to many reasons.
A lot of times, small tree removal happens when it disturbs people living near to it. Depending on timing, tree removal companies may take some time to come cut it down. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove a small tree on your own. Homeowners just needs some manpower and the right tools.
Today, we will discuss the ways for how to remove a little tree. And will learn easy ways for small tree removal.
A complete guide on how to remove a small tree
Learning how to remove a small tree might sound hard. There is no doubt that it is not easy. But it is not impossible as well. It only requires the right techniques and materials to get the job done.
Some of the most basic and easiest ways for removing small trees are mentioned below. To learn this, you need to follow each step carefully.
1. Get equipped
The foremost thing is cutting down a small tree requires the right tools. It is necessary to get equipped with the important materials. The small tree removal requires a chainsaw, sledgehammer, and a crosscut saw as well.
All of these materials are very sharp. It is important to take safety measures. Therefore, wear gloves and a helmet once you start working.
2. Get directional
Having a plan before you start working is crucially important. Before you start cutting down a small tree, know where you want it to fall. Make sure that you cut it in the opposite direction of your house, swingsets, fences, or gardens.
It is important to take this measure or plan because it can cause a lot of destruction. And the damage can be caused to your neighbors’ property as well.
3. Clean the roots of the tree
Before you start cutting down a small tree, be certain to clean the debris off. Clear the surrounding excess grass and throw the soil away. Cut down bushes if there are any present near it. This part can keep you safe by preventing yourself from falling.
4. Keep your distance
The other safety measure that you should take is distance. Keep your distance while you are cutting down a small tree. It might seem small or lighter, but do not underestimate it.
Put the exact cuts you want according to your height. Do not bend down a lot. Make sure to stand a little upright while cutting it down. Because you never know where it is going to land. Even if you have measured, trees can fall unpredictably when inexperienced people cut them down. It can be due to many factors like wind or wrong cutting techniques.
5. Time to Cut
Saplings and unestablished trees may be able to be cut down in one cut with a saw or even a tree lopper. For trees larger than seven inches in diameter, a chainsaw will be more effective to make the three cuts recommended. First you will cut the tree on the side you want the tree to fall. The first cut will be at a comfortable height, horizontal to the ground, and cut halfway into the trunk. The second cut will be on that same side a little above the first one. This cut will be downward at a 60 degree angle so the cuts meet and make a wedge shaped cutout. For the third and final cut, you will go to the opposite side of the tree. Stand to the side of the tree so you are not in front of any of the cuts. You should be able to see all of the cuts from the side. This will be the safest area to stand. Now, cut the opposite side of the tree from the wedge. The cut will be a few inches above the horizontal cut you made first. You will cut horizontally and stop halfway in or so. You do not want to cut all the way through, just most of the way. The tree will then start to collapse into the wedge shape and fall. If it doesn’t fall, hit the tree on the opposite side of the wedge, above the third cut with the sledgehammer. Once the tree is down, you can chop it up for your wood pile and cut down the stump closer to the ground as there will be no worries of the tree hurting anyone or anything.
Final Remarks:
The above-specified points briefly explain the ways for removing small trees. You should plan it properly so your execution is safe. If any of these tasks seem difficult, please call our pros to remove the tree for you.